Thursday, August 20, 2009

Individual work proposal

dear friends,
we hope this email finds you well. this is a basic proposal for the inidividual artistic work that each of us can be doing while we are apart, and then bring back to jump start the development of Renegade Phantasms. We (walken, muskrat and lock) have proposed that we all meet back in Minneapolis in the first week of March 2010 to build the raft and create the performance, and be here until we set off down the river in the last week of may 2010.

We propose that in the next 6 months, each of the 6 of us create individually at least 2 characters that interest us and are in the realm of the performance. In addition to the creation of the characters (along with such details as name, age, gender, place of origin, the era in which they lived, etc), each character when presented to the group in march should have a written story/ account of how they died on the mississippi. this can be however historical, absurd, surreal, narrative, as you choose/ see fit. then, after the sharing of these characters in march, the next step will be to deliberate on how to bring all these characters and their stories into the theatre we wish to create.

what do y'all think of this proposals? can we committ to this?


walken, muskrat, and lock

p.s. soon to follow is a discussion of different theatrical processes we can use to create this performance. notes from that meeting will follow shortly.

1 comment:

  1. This sounds great to me, Got some ideas already. Ill post some character sketches asap.
    Thanks for all this work, you musketeers.


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