Thursday, July 16, 2009


So, Here is our spot to communicate, to connect disparate families, to practice what we're preaching and utilize our resources to overcome all obstacles, eh? Please, rock this shit, add links you want to share, pictures, images, music, video, anything. I'm not sure what this thing can do, so feel free to play around with it. If you have problems, figure it out, if you cant, than ask me, maybe I can figure it out. Word. When writing posts, be sure to be clear, this will end up being a log of our journey together, a very important document, no? include titles to your posts that tell what your addressing, use spell check, try not to rant here, be concise and thoughtful...and funny!(was that a rant?)


  1. All folks: heres a link to one of the raft designs from which we're considering drawing inspiration. Our thought is more deck space, but the general idea of it is pretty nice. Will be posting things for everyone to see in comments until we can figure out the posting system to put up f'reals posts.

  2. Hey folks,
    here's an old article on the miss rockaway armada i found doing research - kind of cool:

  3. Hey all -not sure if you've seen this, but there are two guys on a wooden raft on the river right now - they launched on july 11th in Minneapolis and are hoping to get to New Orleans. Right now they're in Louisiana, MO. They've got info and photos of raft construction - I'm emailing them.


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